Since I had quite a few questions on my painted hardware project (which turned out great), I thought I’d try it again on something we are looking to replace anyway so no big deal if they don’t turn out well. It turns out, it was not a great weekend for painting. Even the final day of ACL was canceled with all of the rain we’ve had. Just before it started pouring, I snuck this project in.
I was looking for as shiny a silver finish as possible, so I pulled this silver spray paint out of the garage.
The paint took great to one piece of hardware, but the other bubbled horribly.
So I grabbed a 3rd piece of hardware and started again. They were sparkly silver, until I added the top coat, which dulled them.
Not what I was going for at all! I’m glad I tested this first on something unimportant instead of the other hardware that I plan to paint. This is definitely worth testing on something else first, even it it’s just a free paint stirrer stick you pick up when you buy paint.