Organizing Girls Hair Accessories

In more organizing news, the large bathroom drawer filled with enough hair ties and bows to accessorize an entire school was making me a crazy person.  Even though it’s easy to just close the drawer, it was not so easy to forget about that ridiculous mess.  It’s not just something that needs to be tucked away, we use these things every day (and during the mornings, the most chaotic time of the day).  I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for a solution.

On a Target run, these cute bins in the $1 section caught my eye.  Most bins that I’ve found haven’t been as tall and thus aren’t as practical for the drawer in the girls’ bathroom.  These had a nice depth to them.  I’ve seen similar bins at Dollar Tree, but I also liked that these were just plain white (they also had pink).


They fit in the drawer so nicely!  We now have 5 sections created  by these 4 bins:

  1. Hair ties – these were always lost at the bottom of the drawer!
  2. Hair clips – still a top pick for Cora’s super-fine-and-always-in-her-face hair
  3. Bows – lots and lots of bows, our go-to for pony tails and pig tails
  4. Headbands – no idea how we acquired so many
  5. Lotions, potions, & sprays – we still had room left over for these which is great!


This is the kind of happiness that helps me sleep at night.

Thank you, Target, for actually having something highly practical in your $1 section!  Now, can I have 50 more to organize the rest of the house?


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