A New Beginning

If you’re a long-time follower of Remodelicious, you’ve seen the blog grow up from updates on our home & family to a full business before it went all but quiet.  Remodelicious grew in ways I’d always hoped, but with decisions I was not prepared to make.

One such decision was to take the focus off of my children who are not establishing themselves in their own lives with their own talents and are not equipped to make the decision of whether they’d like their childhoods on display.  To protect their futures and any careers they may find themselves pursuing, I have made the decision to no longer have them featured on the blog.  That left a gaping hole in Remdelicious as it is a family-centered site geared at inspiring your family through our own home & projects.

Additionally, many who know us personally saw the site as more of a family journal, which is it not.  Some things were taken out of context when intended for a broader audience which caused turmoil at home.  Family always comes first for me, so it was time to take a good, hard look at the place Remodelicious would take in my life going forward.

Growth us uncomfortable because you’ve never been here before–you’ve never been this version of you.  So give yourself a little grace and breathe through it. – Kristin Lohr

I’ll admit, I missed documenting my shenanigans.  It felt weird to refinish a piece of furniture or re-work a room without documenting the process.  Yet, I needed to take time to reconcile how I could continue Remodelicious while respecting my family’s privacy at home.  After a lot of thought, I think I’m finally there.

You may have noticed the website’s re-design (and there is more on the way).  The new look and new features that will be more evident soon are to launch the evolved format for Remodelicious.  You’ll still get to see my DIY furniture and decorating projects.  You’ll still get to see how I solve parenting and family problems around the house.  While my children will be behind the scenes, I do feel that the new concept will have the same inspiring spirit while respecting their privacy.

I truly hope you will enjoy the new format and the new beginning for Remodelicious!  Make sure you follow me on your favorite social media platform.  I can’t wait to share how our home (and my projects) have grown up while the site has been quiet.


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